Working alongside The Clubhouse Project

The Clubhouse Project go gardening

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Posted Apr 6th, 2018
by Clifton Nurseries

Our Clifton Nurseries design and landscaping team in Surrey was delighted to be engaged by a local charity, The Clubhouse Project, to design and build some raised beds, structures and paths on their allotments in nearby Weybridge, Surrey.  Paths and beds for easy access

The Clubhouse Project is a life skills day service for young adults with learning disabilities that offers a unique personal approach to independent living. The activities offered by The Clubhouse Project range from upcycling furniture to swimming, cookery, dance and gardening. On the plots at the Weybridge allotment the young adults can get experience in growing fuit and vegetables as well as general tasks for maintaining the plots throughout the year. One of the plots is a sensory garden, making a lovely quiet space for them to just sit and get in touch with nature, and to enjoy the sights and smells in a relaxing environment. 

Prior to this recent work on the allotment plots, it was hard to even see the vegetable beds through the masses of giant weeds and grass, along with the odd mouldy carrot and munched broccoli.

Following agreement on the design produced, our team swiftly got into action building new raised beds for those who need to garden higher up, and putting in timber edging around all the individual vegetable beds to make them much easier to look after.  All the paths in between the beds were also covered in woodchip, recycled from a local tree surgeon. 

We're very much looking forward to seeing the allotment as The Clubhouse Project plant both ornamentals and edibles - and it's so good to hear the founder of the charity so positive about our work "We absolutely love it!".

For more information about  this local charity please refer to The Clubhouse Project website.

Ready for the plants

Working alongside The Clubhouse Project



About the author

Clifton Nurseries - inspiring, designing, building and supplying the most beautiful gardens