Clifton Nurseries Plant Care Guides: Dieffenbachia

Plant Care Guides: Dieffenbachia

Clifton Nurseries's picture
Posted Jan 18th, 2016
by Clifton Nurseries

This plant has the common name Dumb Cane. This comes from the side effects of its poisonous sap on the mouth and throat. If the leaves are chewed they cause a burning sensation and swelling, along with a temporary inability to speak. Make sure to wash your hands after taking cuttings! 

Place in a good indirect light in summer and winter. 

Check the plant regularly, feel the surface of the compost. When it becomes dry to the touch, water the plant thoroughly, allowing the water to come through the bottom of the pot. Do not leave the plant standing in water for any length of time. Repeat when the surface dries to the touch. 

Average warmth. Do not allow the temperature to drop below 16ºC (60ºF) 

Feed with a liquid fertiliser only from April to September. 

Repot annually in spring.

Clifton Nurseries Plant Care Guides: Dieffenbachia

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Clifton Nurseries - inspiring, designing, building and supplying the most beautiful gardens