Clifton Nurseries Plant Care Guides Croton

Plant Care Guides: Croton

Clifton Nurseries's picture
Posted Apr 12th, 2016
by Clifton Nurseries

A shrub originating from Malaysia and Polynesia. They can get as tall as 1m (3ft) or more and quite bushy. Their leaves are usually green, but can be spotted, blotched, or suffused with tones of yellow, orange, red and pink. They produce small flowers which emanate from auxiliary racemes on larger specimens. 

Good indirect light. They are suitable for homes and conservatories. 

Water as and when the plant requires it from spring to autumn. Water more sparingly in winter. Allow the surface of the compost to dry out between watering. 

Warm/tropical temperatures required. A minimum of 15 - 18º C (60 - 65º F). 

Feed with a liquid fertiliser only from April to September. 

Repot annually in spring.

Clifton Nurseries Plant Care Guides Croton

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Clifton Nurseries - inspiring, designing, building and supplying the most beautiful gardens