Clifton Nurseries celebrate National Flower Day

Welcoming Spring with National Flower Day

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Posted Mar 12th, 2022
by Clifton Nurseries

This year, using the astronomical definition, Spring starts on Sunday 20th March - so what better way to celebrate than with National Flower Day the day after - on Monday 21st March?! 

National Flower Day is the perfect time to celebrate that we have flowers, as well as to give and receive flowers. 

Flowers are often thought of as symbols of happiness and are the easiest way of changing human mood - not just because of their inherent beauty, but also their colour and symbolism.  Long associated with affection and love, flowers are also associated with medicine, rituals, religion and as a food source - not just for humans but, crucially, as a food source for pollinators. 

Flowers are definitely worth celebrating in many ways including some (or all!) of the following:

  • Send or give someone flowers or flowering plants
  • Plant flowers (our nursery teams are happy to help with advice about which flowers thrive in different locations)
  • Decorate your home or work place with potted flowers
  • Buy lotions and soaps made with floral extracts
  • Burn scented candles or scented oil diffusers to fill your homes with beautiful floral scents
  • Bake some cakes with edible flowers

....... or simply wander around your own garden or visit a park or garden and just admire the beauty of flowers and the rest of nature! 

Clifton Nurseries celebrate National Flower Day

About the author

Clifton Nurseries - inspiring, designing, building and supplying the most beautiful gardens