Clifton Nurseries - The Beatle come to Addlestone

The Beatles come to Addlestone!

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Posted Jul 6th, 2017
by Clifton Nurseries

Following their success at Chiswick House and Gardens to celebrate the 50th anniversary of  their Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album  - The Beatles have now moved on to Clifton Nurseries Surrey in Addlestone.

The Beatles statues were involved in the recreation of the Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover photo shoot at Chiswick House and Gardens in May. As Clifton Nurseries supplied the plants for the original album cover 50 years ago, we were honoured to have the opportunity to be able to supply the plants for the recreation of the scene at Chiswick.

And now we're honoured to host The Beatles at Clifton Nurseries Surrey for part of the summer. The statues of The Beatles were lovingly recreated by Agrumi Ltd, using a wire framed structure covered in New Zealand Moss. Once they'd settled into their new surroundings, we then positioned some of our Clifton Surrey plants around them, to give that unique customised feel.

Read our previous news article for information about the Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover and visit Clifton Nurseries Surrey soon to view and celebrate with the Fab Four! 

The Beatles enjoying the plants at Clifton Nurseries

The Beatles in Topiary Form


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Clifton Nurseries - inspiring, designing, building and supplying the most beautiful gardens